Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SAP : Maximum number of items in FI reached


Although you can maintain the max 999 line items in billing document, and we are aware that each line item of billing document must generate two line items (D&C) in the accounting document, the max line items of billing document is less than 500 lines. Considering taxes etc the number of billing lines could be less than 400.
The cause of this issue is because the line item number (BSEG-BUZEI) field  length is defined as (3) numeric positions, and hence can accomodate 999 line items.
Unable to create more than 999 FI line items is a standard restriction due its field length.

1. IMG -> SD -> Billing -> Billing Document -> Country Specific Features -> Maintain Maximum Number of Billing Items.
2. This is where you can define a maximum number of items allowed for all billing documents within a given sales organization.
3. Also in the copying control for order/delivery to billing document at item level under "Data VBRK/VBRP" and maintain routine 006 "Single inv. limited".

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