Tuesday, December 8, 2015

SAP Intercompany Billing : Automatic Posting to Vendor Invoice (SAP-EDI)

EDI outbound processing for intercompany billing links to EDI (Output Type RD04 for billing type IV for Intercompany Billing Revenue and IG for Intercompany Credit Memo/Returns) inbound processing for invoice receipt in FI and posting to vendor account is carried out in the selling company code. The EDI then creates a BDC job to trigger an FI posting using FB01 with an IDOC.
When posting the Vendor Invoice there is one key configuration that is necessary for the copying of the Profit center, Cost center, projects, PA Segment or Business Area for the Vendor Invoice to be posted automatically and that is to "Activate the Account Assignment" using menu path in SD Billing or simply via TCode VOFC.

The indicator specifies whether account assignments from the customer billing document are copied during credit-side offsetting entries in the sales company code. Only on checking this flag, the IDOC E1EDP30 with QUALF "046" for PA Segment, "078" for Profit center or "049" for Business area are populated and this data is used to populate some mandatory fields for the Vendor Invoice creation.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SAP: Firefighter ID locked

Issue: I had my FireFighter ID got locked and I was unable to logon. The partial screen is show below with the Logon as “Greyed Out” and the Status would show up with a RED Traffic light stating user still logged in. I checked SM04 to view the list of users with my regular user id and could not find my FireFighter ID in the list and then it struck to me that the server my user id was connected to was different to that of my FireFighter.

Reason: I happened to execute SE16 to extract data and my internet got disconnected. This caused an abrupt closing of the session keeping the SE16 still in execution mode on the server.


1. Execute AL08 to check the list of all users logged onto all the servers.
2. Search for the FireFighter ID the server where the user id has been locked.
3. Execute SM51 to view the list of the SAP Servers.
4. Select the appropriate server name from step 2 and click on the ‘User’ icon to display the users.

This actually calls TCode SM04 to display the list of users of that particular SAP Server (the server which my firefighter was logged on)and select the user id and kill the sessions.

Friday, January 16, 2015

SAP : Error in external tax system: Line: 0 - 0440 TxJCdSTIO The fleximap module / FS861

The error is caused in the sales orders due to a change in the customer jurisdiction code and sets the sales document to an  incompletion log for pricing. Changing the Jurisdiction code in the Sales order does not undo the incompletion. The customer ship-to jurisdiction code (If Ship-to is different from Sold-to) has to be changed appropriately and later the order has to be re-priced with price type 'G'.
